Syfer Consulting is a team of professional experts, specialized in I.P: Industrial and Intellectual Property with more than twenty years of experience in this area.

The patents, Designs, Brands, of any kind of intellectual work (literature, science, arts…) are our day to day management. Our approach is made from any perspective: exclusivity protection and/ or defense from third parties, claims due to violation of exclusivity rights or defense from the same claims.

The experience acquired across all these years working with Companies, Official Institutions, small or individual projects, provides us a wide and specific perspective of our client needs. As well as a deep knowledge of the potential solutions adapted to your scale and capacity.

We are based in Bilbao.

Our management system allow us to limit the costs, therefore, the Client does not have to support the structure of departments or staff that might not be related to its real needs directly.

With the experience of our Consultants and international partner network, we offer specific advice and guaranteed supervision of any size filed portfolio: from local business or individual entrepreneurs, SME to any size and range corporations.


Our Team structure is the following:


Technical Dpt.

Specializing in Inventions, Devices, and Technical solutions, we achieve exclusive elements protection trough patents, prototypes, designs, etc… always with the required efficacy, anticipating eventual legal defense needs in front of any possible infringement.

Some highlights of our contributions:

  • Technical novelties analyse, Technical Patent Reports, drawings and blueprints for invention registration. Counseling in adequate vindication.
  • Technical investigations and reports about previous records regarding Patent, Models or Designs registration, based on specific use, type of invention, registration owner or even on specific inventors (in the case of Patents and Usability Models).
  • Expert legal appraisal reports to be used in court, for both claimant and defendant cases.
  • Study, analysis and reports about potential registration infractions from third parties, claims received from owners of previous exclusive rights.

Our Technical department works closely with our Legal department in order to reach the best solution for the client: solid registration from a technical and legal perspective since the terms that are not solve through negotiation are often brought to Court.

Legal  Dpt.

Our Official Agents are recognized by the OEPM(Spain), the EUIPO (EU) and EPO ( European Patent Office) and have the capacity and experience to represent our clients.

Our Lawyers are specialized in the Intellectual and Industrial Property not only in the theorical and legal aspects but also applied to the real business and commercial reality.

Please find bellow some of their áreas:

  • Redaction and revision of contracts related to Intellectual Property services.
  • Redaction and revision of commercial contracts or Patents and Utility models.
  • Development licensing contracts for inventions, designs or brands.
  • Studies and reports related to third parties right infractions (defense and claim).
  • Study and revision of appraisal reports.
  • Analysis and study of Patents with specific reports of the infraction.
  • Ordinary Administrative procedures related with response to an opposition, appeals, contentious administrative appeals, before any judicial instance.
  • Negotiations.
  • Study, redaction and delivery of requirements to others for potential infractions as well as study and preparation of reports in the opposite case.

Specialized team – The combination of the previous departments creates a specialized group that bring security and guarantees to your Project.

Consultants and Advisors

The Company front.

With our wide experienced and specialized departments, we provide our clients with an immediate, personalized service. We can work from the client’s location if required. All these allows us to define the best and focused strategy for each case.

Partners network: we work worldwide with our International partners network that are highly qualified in their local markets. We submit all our inputs to a deep revision so as to reach the perfect adjustments to the Laws and regulations of each country.

Workshops and talks: we count with an expert staff and we participate in specialized talks, masters, trainings among others.


Individual projects, Official Institutions, Universities, all sized companies from several sectors are some of our clients.

All our projects are important: the creator, visionary, artist of today can be the celebrity of tomorrow. The same applies to a start-up company that can become a multinational in a short term period.

All projects, from launching a new product, new Brand, new Corporate image to the opening of a new store, require a detailed planning as well as a total security in order to avoid further complications with the Brand, image, design or patents.


do not like surprises…

Our advice is free of charge and all costs on the Client’s side are budgeted in advance especially if the situation requires a long term collaboration (for example the Patent applications that lasts for several years). We offer from the beginning a full set of information regarding all the phases of your project and costs estimation based on the actual rates. In this way, our client gets a global picture of his project.

We are consistant

We are available 7/7 and 365 days (except festivities). We estimate our answering time in less than one hour thanks to phone attention and e mailing. As well, in case of emergency, we have at your disposal a hot- line available 365 days per year where you can reach a specialist

We know our clients

We will meet you in your or our offices, depending on each case, through an appointment previously organized.


You can reach us